This is great news for our members. Mark your calendar to join us on Tuesdays for scrumptious dinners. |
Rick & Ginny Stultz have volunteered to take a week. Our 4th week will be rotated between some of our favorites (Ellen, Shirley and Jason W) and anyone else who would like to cook. If you enjoy cooking and might be interested in trying, we will help you thru the entire process. Come talk to Robin if you might be interested. |
Valentine's Dinner Dance
Friday, February 14 PRESALES ONLY - DEADLINE FEB 7 Dinner at 6:00 PM (Reminder presales only.) Tickets are on sale now! Live entertainment with the band De’Railed at 7:00 PM $30 couple / $20 single NOTE: If coming for dinner, guests need to be accompanied by a member and member purchases tickets in advance |
Dinner & a Movie: Forrest Gump with Shrimp Dinner
Saturday, February 22 @ 6:00 PM $15 per person, soft drink included This is a family friendly event. We will be serving up a shrimp dinner to accompany the movie Forrest Gump. The cost will be $15.00 per person and will include a soft drink to accompany your dinner. Start time will be 6:00 pm. If you are bringing a large group, please let us know in advance for meal planning purposes. |
Dinner & a Movie: Breakfast Club and Irish Breakfast for Dinner
Saturday, March 22 @ 6:00 PM $15 per person, soft drink included This is a family friendly event. We will be serving up an Irish Breakfast for dinner to accompany the movie Breakfast Club. The cost will be $15.00 per person and will include a soft drink to accompany your dinner. Start time will be 6:00 pm. If you are bringing a large group, please let us know in advance for meal planning purposes. |
Shirts, hatpins, and license plate frames are also available. A new logo was recently approved by the membership and is now available on clothing purchased at our new Land's End Business website. Get your clothing and show your FOE North Kitsap 3586 pride! The logo application cost is $7.95 per item. The logo itself is 2.66" x 4.46. Since it faces to the right you may wish to add it on the right breast of any clothing articles. You can shop at: or click the button below. Also, hatpins and license plate frames with our new logo are available in the Lounge at the bar. Get yours and show your Eagle pride. |
Dart League
Our wonderful new dart boards have been a huge hit, and our Dart League is up and running! Thank you Karen for all the work to make this happen! We have teams playing on both Sunday and Monday nights - come on down and help cheer them on! Watch Facebook and website for additional details, or call Karen at (360) 509-7323. |